Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Long Weekend Cheats - So worth it!

What a great long weekend!

Long weekend festivities are a true test of willpower!  Snacks at the beach, drinks with family and friends, family BBQ meals, birthday cake, and the list could go on.  I had no solid intentions going in to this weekend that I was going to avoid anything and everything that I normally cannot eat.  I decided that I would leave it up to the moment and what I was feeling like and I knew for sure that I was going to enjoy a beverage or two (or several).  So much for being 100% committed to my "diet"!

In regards to the "30-day" plan I am working on...well I cheated on it this weekend again.  I mean I knew exactly which rules I was breaking and consciously chose to do so.  But on a positive note - I saved up my "Cheat Day" for July 1st which helped me justify some of my choices - sure I probably should have had a sweet potato or rice as my extra carbs but instead I ate chips - oops.  All this just means 30-Days is not as easy as one thinks because you have to be committed to it regardless of what else is going on in your life...I don't think Im quite there yet.  Apparently I need more of a reason to do it other than just to "try" it.  I think when it comes to any change in diet or lifestyle - you have to have a reason to do it that is worth more than the instant (yet short lived) reward you get for cheating.

In regards to eating better over all - this weekend was a success in my opinion - and especially compared to other events I have struggled at.   I mean - when have I ever ate more veggies at the beach than treats!?!  I thoroughly enjoyed the BBQ'd ribs and roast beef - but skipped the wide array of salads, buns, and extras.  And I passed on the cake and ice cream and even limited the amount of fruit I was eating.  That all being said - wow! did I ever eat a lot (way too much) nuts, dried cherries, and pepperoni sticks - to which I attribute to habit or boredom - not hunger.  I justified my drinks because I mixed them with water or club soda (but probably 3oz instead of 1oz per drink lol) and I probably shouldn't have had that beer and Palm Bay.  Oh well.

So I savored every single handful of chips I ate (this was my biggest cheat) and enjoyed my beverages and I come home with no regrets!  Well...that was until about 930pm the night we got home....

930pm.  Home.  I was full beyond belief from the weekend and one last meal at the in-laws.  My stomach was bloated to the point I looked 4 months pregnant - and it hurt.  My "fat" was hurting...and for those of you who don't believe me - please do!  For years now, after drinking and eating poorly, my "fatty" areas (back/love handles, armpit/shoulders) feel like there are a million pins sticking into these areas.  Sensitive (if not bordering painful) to the touch, swollen, and uncomfortable.  It always shows up about 8-10 hours after a night of drinking (of any volume) and/or eating unhealthy food and lasts well into the next day.  It just sucks.  And it reminds me every time of why I should consider giving it all up for good....

I'm just not ready to and that is mostly because I haven't found that one reason to give it all up that is worth not eating and drinking things I enjoy on occasion.  What will it take?  Not sure.  Until then - MODERATION is key!  Was the "after pain" worth it?  This time around...yes.  And I enjoyed myself.  And I'm ok with all the choices I did make and I can blame no one but myself for them.

But in regards to the 30-Day plan....count that as another fail....so back to Day 1?  No.  Not this time.  Part of any diet is also getting over the mistakes and quickly getting back on track.  Day 15 was a cheat day (to which I didnt necessarily follow the rules to entirely) but I am back on plan now and a little more focused.  I started over once already but in many ways I shouldn't have even started before the end of this weekend.  I had a wedding, a stag, and this weekend - it was set up to fail from the beginning.  The 30 days is supposed to be a sort of re-programming for your body and cravings but it is also supposed to help re-establish different habits.  That it has helped with for sure.  But to be successful for 30 days one has to eliminate the triggers...what is in the pantry and events such as these should be included in my opinion.  So Ill finish this off, but I know for sure Ill do it again during a time where I can create more success.

Spartan is 52 days away.

Time to get stronger, faster, and more disciplined.

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