Saturday, July 21, 2012

Health, Strength, Commitment, Family

Recently my husband went to the hospital for an appendectomy.  Really - a very normal, common procedure.  I honestly wasn't all that worried...until I witnessed a very horrific and real pain attack that I could do nothing to alleviate. With all that being figured out and pain meds being given...I found myself in the gift shop doing what many women find therapeutic...Shopping.

I found these in the hospital gift shop.  There will several other ones to choose from, but these are the few that felt right to me and given the time we were going through. 

Health - one of the most important things we all too easily take for granted.  Myself included.  Even a simple appendix inflammation and our whole world is put on hold for a short time.  Going through any illness or surgery makes you appreciate your health a little more.  And as much as I strive to nurture my own health, even all that I work towards cannot fully prevent such things like appendix problems. 

Commitment is a necessity.  Sure it can waiver at times but it is an undeniable necessity.  You need the commitment to work through the challenges, work towards the goal, and to bring yourself back from fall backs. It doesn't matter if it is a health related goal or just being there for your family, friends, or job - commitment is the difference between an idea and a purpose.  

Strength.  Sure, working towards and developing physical strength is important.  But strength goes beyond muscles.  The strength to endure anything and everything.  Life is a struggle.  It changes daily.  And we can never be fully prepared for every little thing it can throw at you.  Finding the strength to get through things has a lot to do with your personality, your support system, your commitment, and your resources.   For as much as strength can be emotional, you cannot deny that physical strength can offer your body greater capacity to handle stress.  Don't underestimate the impact of your physical strength on your emotional strength. 

Family.  For every joyful experience and every challenge you will go through in life you can be assured your family will be there right along side you.  Family can be a large collection of people, most related to you and others not, but regardless "family" means everything in time of need.  The generosity that family offers is beyond amazing and one will never fully come to realize just how much individual family members are willing to offer when you need them the most.  Beyond the support that family offer to you in a time of need - "family" is also one of the sole reasons for living each day.  My children, my husband, my parents, my siblings, my extended family, and my dearest friends are the most important things to me.  My commitment to them, my commitment to my health, and the strength it takes all of us as individuals and collectively to get through life is beyond description.  

So, I wear these simple rings around my neck now.  Every time I touch them or reflect in the mirror - I am reminded of a very real moment where I took the time to reflect on many things that have great impact and importance in my life.  My husband is on the mend, and life goes on.  But I need to reminded every once and a while to not take these things for granted.  

I'm sure over time they will tarnish (they were only $3.98 each at that!) but regardless - for now I am happy with my "make myself feel better" purchase that has come to mean much more than the value of each item.  

If you were to choose 4 words to hang around your neck - what would they be? and why?


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