Friday, July 06, 2012

Rant: Do it right or go home!

So I have to rant...

There is a girl at my gym who I cannot help but compare myself to.  To start with - we are about the same size height and weight (she looks leaner than me but I swear my muscles are bigger!).   Secondly we both are there to workout, notebook in hand, using many of the same machines.

But that is where it ends.

I struggle with being disappointed in myself for not adding much weight (if ever) to my bars - especially with squats, deadlifts, and bench presses.  I have seen some improvement over the last few months, but I am either just comfortable at the weights I am lifting, truly a big sissy, or I'm just not pushing myself hard enough.

Anyway - as I was working hard through my Renegade Rows and Pull-Ups today (which by the way I can now do 4 unassisted pull-ups!) she comes in to set up her squat rack.  And as usual - she has an insane amount of weight on the bar...235lbs total to be exact for her first set (to which she drops down from after).

235lbs!!!! WTF!  That is almost 3 times her weight!  And I am not exaggerating!  No wonder I feel weak and unaccomplished with my 115-135lbs that I do.

As she slowly positions herself and comes off the rack...that 235lbs looks like it is going to crush her.  I am still not sure I should go far from the rack just in case she ends up smushed underneath the weight.  And as she steps out cautiously from the rack into the starting position for her squat, I find myself staring at her in awe and envy.  Damn - she must be strong!

Then she does a quarter-squat .  Slow and steady.  Cautious.  6 times.  It almost looked like a bob.

I go back to my rows.  What a joke.  The day I see her squat down all the way will be the day I go back to envying her strength.  Cuz even I know I could shoulder 235lbs and do nothing with it (well ok maybe not quite yet which makes me just a little impressed at her core strength at the very least).  I'd like to see her do 135lbs in a full squat - then Ill feel better comparing myself to her.

There are many squat videos - but here is one I found and referred to often.

Same goes for her bench press - to which she had a monstrous 170lbs above her - again I imagined the bar falling on her throat and choking her to death.  She held it, threw her leg out to counter-balance herself -  then pumped her elbows a few times.  No full range of motion.  Now - I have to admit I was impressed she even held that kind of weight above her head and could even muster a bend in her elbow - absolutely no way I would even try.  SO Ill give her that at the very least.  But I'd truly like to see what she is capable of with her full range of motion....Ill continue to work on my technique and full ROM with my measly 60lbs above my head.

A barbell video:

What I learnt from all this...........Stop comparing yourself to others.  

Well ok  who are we kidding - I will never really not compare myself to her as long as she works out at the same hour as me...its a mixture of envy, awe, disbelief, and disappointment.  That being said - I will never EVER resort to her "technique" just so I can hold the same weight.  Might look good from across the room...but once executed it looks more like a joke.  In my opinion - do it right or go home.  Makes me wonder if it is some training strategy?  Maybe a misguided trainer?  Macho need to show up to the boys?   Who knows.  Best I just stop comparing myself to her and focus on my own workouts.

(PS - even most of the guys I watch at the gym dont put that much weight on - they all keep it lower but have envious form)

Im happy enough with how far I have come and how much I have improved my techniques.  And Im damn proud of my muscles - especially my arms (to which her's looks like toothpicks in comparison ;p) so I will continue on with my plan and at my own pace.  We will see how much another year can bring!

Some advice - YouTube!  Find videos that demonstrate PROPER technique - and trust me - you wouldn't find a video of hers as one.

Rant over.

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