Sunday, February 05, 2012

Defining MY Diet

DIET - "the customary amount and kind of food and drink taken by a person from day to day; more narrowly, a diet planned to meet specific requirements of the individual, including or excluding certain foods"

From this point on - please do not be critical of my use of the word "diet" within my blog.  My DIET is exactly what the definition above is referring to.  I do not refer to it as a verb -  I am not "dieting".  I am not on a "diet".  Most people associate the word with an attempt to lose weight (usually extreme and short lived) - but I do not need to diet in that particular sense nor do I want to.  

My DIET is my WAY OF EATING.  It is what I consume each day.  Currently - I consider it to be mostly healthy but somewhat misguided...and even lacking in some areas.  For the most part I consume healthy fruits and vegetables (not all organic yet but that is the goal) and lean meats such as chicken and fish.  I try to be conscious of sugar content and I try to limit processed foods yet I have INSANE CRAVINGS.  I bake most of my own treats and try to substitute sugars for healthier alternatives such as honey, apple sauce or xylitol.  I have good food intentions BUT I will admit I have my weaknesses such as treats after a meal, binges on chocolate, not eating every few hours or enough some days, and eating the wrong foods at the wrong time.

I am currently in the process of seeking advice on how to make my diet healthier and tailored to help me achieve my specific fitness goals.  I do not consider this to be anything other than a change in the approach to my eating - choices of food, timing, and purpose.  It will be a plan full of choices of what to eat and when.  But of those choices there is no fad dieting, no product I must purchase, and no odd limitations.  And the most powerful thing I hope to achieve by seeking advice on my diet is the knowledge that can be learnt about what food does for you and the best choices for optimal health.  As I become more educated about my choices in food and changes in eating habits I plan to share them here.  I strongly encourage everyone to find a source like a nutritionist who focuses on whole-foods eating to help you address your own goals. 

As for my diet -  I wont even begin to deny that there will be treats and cheats!  Treat meals.  Downright regrettable choices too.  But every choice I may make that goes outside of my plan - I must own.  So don't be offended if I say "No Thanks" to your tray of baking or only take a small sample of a dish you made - I must own those choices too.  Sometimes a treat is worth it - other times it is not.  

So don't be critical of my choices - please don't sabotage my efforts - please don't judge me when I am weak...Please just be supportive.  Be inquisitive.  I want to share my knowledge, my successes and failures, and mostly just want to be able to talk about my efforts without being judged.  And I would appreciate some gentle accountability when I stray from my own advice (please don't snicker while you watch me reach for the 3rd oreo cookie!).  

Our daily lives are consumed with the procurement, preparation, and consumption of food.  I want to be obsessed and educated about what food choices I make - not only for myself but for my family - so that I can enhance our overall health.  Food quality seems to be the poorest it has been in history and I want to ensure that my diet will not be the death of me or my family.  As well, I want my kids to know no other way of eating...I do not want my kids to have to learn in their adulthood how to be healthier while standing in a grocery isle of food has the potential to make them ill.

So my diet is what it is for now.  And it will evolve as my plan progresses.  Knowledge and commitment are powerful tools...ones I plan to use to my advantage.  And as the definition above states - a diet is planned to meet a specific requirement...

My specific requirements:
-  whole, natural, organic foods as much as possible
-  realistic in content (no foreign imported novelty foods)
-  a variety of options for meals and snacks
-  can be modified for children and husband's likes/dislikes/needs
-  fulfilling and sustaining
-  evolves with performance needs (can fuel a run and fuel a strength workout) 
-  is routine / scheduled but flexible too

Diet is a way of eating on a daily basis...I look forward to exploring food one meal at a time!

1 comment:

  1. Rebecca get a subscription to clean eating magazine and follow tosca Reno. Great great great eating plan. The recipes are amazing with no signs of processed ingredients. great snack and treat ideas. A friend and I get together and make doubles of a few recipes for the week. It teaches you how to fuel your body. It's takes some time to get a few recipes done but my freezer full and my healthy body is totally worth it! Ryder likes most of it too. Kelly
