Monday, January 16, 2012

Recognizing the desire to improve...

Wikipedia defines "wellness" as a term generally used to mean a healthy balance of the mind, body, and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being.

My 20's were jam-packed full of life events - all of which I wouldn't change a thing about. But in my 20's I was also very naive - taking for granted many things like my health and overall wellness. I didn't just take my wellness for granted - I just down right ignored the fact that it existed.

Now, on the verge of turning 30, I have decided to re-evaluate what affects my well-being and focus on improving my overall health for the next decade to come - one day, one goal, one month at a time.

The focus of my quest for a more healthy balance and improved wellness at this point is on 2 key areas:
1) Fitness and Diet - setting attainable goals, pushing myself out of my comfort zone, eating healthy and not giving in to excuses.
2) Relationships - spending more time with my husband and children, exploring new things to experience with them, and nurturing friendships important to me.

I have no idea what I am doing. I just have an overwhelming desire to do something.

This blog is my way of staying accountable to myself. And if anyone else shares in my challenges and aspirations I hope we can grow a support network we can all rely on.

I either do it or I don't.

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