Thursday, January 26, 2012

Let me fit you in...

Scheduling.  What a fun task!  I love it to be honest - and the more variables the better.

But I am terrible at scheduling play time and alone time.

Alone time - not just time to work quietly by myself or to read an e-book on my phone...but real alone time that has no electronic interference and no real purpose.  Sure a pedicure is a great treat - but its not really alone time.  And who doesn't love the opportunity to wander around a mall, without kids, with a coffee in hand - free to browse as you desire.  But that really isn't the alone time I'm talking of.  I mean the alone time that you take for 15 minutes in the day to breathe, close your eyes, and just think about things outside of your obligations.  One might call this a nap - but whatever you may call it - 15 minutes of quiet time is a very precious commodity...and if it means locking yourself in a dark closet while playing hide-and-go-seek...well you do what you got to do.  And no - I don't think sitting on the toilet counts for this too...but take it where you can get it! ;)

Self-Indulgences.  What would you do with an hour to yourself that cannot include chores, obligatory shopping, or fitness.  I love getting my hair done - that's 2 hours for chatting and pampering.  Or meet for coffee.  Or wander the mall looking for things just for me.  I do these things all the time - and THOROUGHLY enjoy and appreciate them.  But I have a whole list of other things I'd like to do for myself but never do.  This list includes such simple pleasures as:  pedicure, tan, massage, read a book in a bookstore, etc etc etc.  I think I am going to start putting some of those things a little higher up on my list - at the sacrifice of a mall-wander....can't have it all but I can re-prioritize.

Play time - as a busy mother I am all too guilty for finding something that has to be baked, cooked, prepared for tomorrow, fixed, cleaned, organized, put away, found, made, and hidden.  Having been home a little more lately, it dawned on me that I don't schedule play time with my kids or relationship time with my husband because I have let all the other things come first.  It doesn't mean I don't love my kids - I just didn't seem to put such simple things first.  And why wouldn't I?  Cleaning the floors or building a fort?  Like seriously - which sounds like more fun?!??!

So - because I cannot just allow myself to play all day - I have started setting a time of the day that I drop everything to play.  I try for once in the morning and once in the afternoon if I am home.  And little does he know but I have a whole list of things I'd like to do with my husband on a "date" that does not include going to a movie.  So for once, I actually feel I look forward to 3pm to play with my kids.  And you know what - all those other things can wait until I return.

I know there will be some days that this might not be able to happen but regardless, I am here for my kids and am so very grateful that they are independent and creative in their own ways that they can make do without my full attention.  But I owe it to them to try more than I have in the past.  Its humbling to realize you are not doing the things you thought or assumed you would with your kids...

So - I have scheduled play time.  And it feels great!

Shortly after this picture Morgan went down the hill, aiming for a large "bump" in the hill - only to go head first into the side of it.  Poor kid.  Shortly after that...she was wiped out by another kid zooming down the hill.  My laughter didn't help the situation...

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