Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Team "I put out...Effort"

Race day was perfect in every way!  The weather was hot!  The crowd was exciting!  The porta-potties were decent! We finally all found each other and talked strategy...1:30pm was go time!

This was by far the best experience I have ever had!  This event was designed for all levels of willing participants!  Some went as hard as they could, some stayed middle of the pack, and some took their time.  On the course there was a general sense of comradery between complete strangers in the mud pits and on the trails.  The obstacles were hard but not unrealistic and burpees were done on the honor system.  And at the end - a medal waiting for everyone! 

I would highly recommend everyone to try an event like this!  You could go into it without training - with minimal physical stamina - and still have fun.  OR you could exercise and work your way through exercises that will prepare you a little more for the obstacles and really kick ass.  Either way - it is worth it!  

Highlights of the race:

1)  Telling my friend Kent at the starting line that it was ok to leave us and go hard!  The look on his eye was like a wild dog finally let off the leash....and he rocked it!

2)  Meeting up with my long-time friend Erin after more than 2 years and several before that of not seeing each other.  Picked up where we left off and felt a little warmth in my heart for a friend I don't see very often. She was the first person who agreed to do this race with me and I am glad that I did the race (or most of it) with her!  

3)  Mud.  It S-T-U-N-K but it was oh so refreshing on what was a very hot day!  It was thick and unforgiving at times but with the right strategy (stay low and go quick) it was where I felt I made some progress over others. Plus - it was just pure fun!  And I came out with both shoes on!

4)  Completing the obstacles!  Ok so I can't throw a spear!  And seriously never thought to practice it...but otherwise I completed all the obstacles - actually with quite a lot of ease.  The training I have done over the past few months has definitely paid off and the strength I have developed was a huge asset.  Super pumped when I could pick up the sandbag with ease and run the hill, or drag the cinderblock through the deep sand, or scale the wood wall without the help of someone's hands on my ass.  I may not have ran the race at full speed - but I was damn proud of doing all the obstacles!

 There is nothing like finding your friends after the race and being absolutely thrilled for each other!  We quickly found a hose and started to peel off the layers of mud - laughing the whole time!  And surprisingly all of us didn't appear to have any injuries or bruises....yet!  Once we were rid of at least a few layers of mud and deposited our shoes in the "donation" pile - we headed to the beer gardens for our much needed reward!!! 

So now what?  Race is over and I am still on a high!  It really was just that fun!  And yet - I have to plan to do it again - next time for time!  I have a competitive spirit - and although I have absolutely no regrets with how I ran this race - I know for sure I could have went way faster.  To do that I would have to go at it alone - and focus on passing all the walkers and get a little pushy in the obstacles instead of being patient and waiting.  So next year - I want to do it twice.  Once by myself - in the first heat of the day.  And again - a few hours later - just for fun with friends and maybe even my husband (who recognized that he was missing out this day and hopes to do it next year!).  

Also - I think I have found what I love to like this give me the reason to strength train and condition myself - without being the sole reason for needing to.  It is a goal to work towards - almost like a reward for the "training" but not the sole purpose of the "training".  

Next year can't come soon enough!

You'll know at the finish line!

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